My girlfriend is somewhat of a germaphobe and insisted on having all of the tile in my home professionally cleaned. I called around for residential tile and grout cleaning and my search ended with SS Floor Tile & Grout Cleaning and Restoration. I was impressed with all of their positive reviews and the informative posts on their Facebook page. I called them out and wasn’t disappointed. They made cleaning the grout lines a breeze with their steam cleaning equipment and afterwards they did tile sealing which put my girlfriend’s mind at ease. After chatting with them for a while, I started realizing that my girlfriend isn’t crazy – a lot of dirt, dust and allergens were stuck in the grout lines. There were spills and stains on my kitchen tile from cooking that I hadn’t bothered to clean up properly and my bathroom tile had started building up some mildew in places. I had never thought about it much but it IS gross and unhealthy to think of it festering there. For the best tile and grout cleaning in Las Vegas, I would say look no further than SS!
Ron W
Ron W
June 24, 2015